Selling A Location?


Selling your business for its full value

Selling a business is tedious and many types of frustrating to both the buyer and sellers. You want the highest bids for your establishments, and we help to substantiate the price. There are many integral parts such as your asset valuation, equipment market price, and financial statements. There are also the non-tangible items including factoring in future revenue and identifying longevity in the region, as well as market vulnerability. Nexus helps facilitate both the buyers and sellers to understand the true worth of a business and alleviates the red tape.


Timing is Key

Knowing when to sell is the key to success. As Investing 101 states…buy low, sell high. We encourage our sellers to understand not only the hard assets of the business but more importantly, the driving economic factors of supply and demand. Understanding other markets both nationally and internationally help shape your decisions for a better comprehensive decision.

At Nexus Locations, we take the time to perform due diligence on all buyers and conduct your sales in a confidential and discreet manner. All our client information is password-protected to ensure maximum privacy as well as an NDA signed by all potential buyers. To cut through the red tape, we strive to deliver the fastest and most competitive bids.