Locating A New Area

Finding a new location to anchor your business is challenging feat. The time and expense involved in collecting the proper data research can be often overwhelming. At Nexus, it’s our mission to assist you by providing the most up-to-date ordinances and the necessary forms to cut through the red tape. Time is money… and we hope to make sure your time is well spent.

Market Research

The due diligence for a new market requires spending countless months to years in market research. Nexus provides that information so you can make important business decisions with the most relevant facts. Receive the latest information on the demographics before you decide to commit to an establishment. It’s our job to help you assess the potential viability for your new business with the most comprehensive information available.


Local Relationships

Once you engage in your new location, it’s important to establish a local team for operations. Nexus will help procure new connections from local inspectors, contractors, to even new staffing. Our goal is to help you open your doors as quickly as possible.

Special Variances

Some areas require special circumstances and necessary variances. As your area specialists, we help to overcome those roadblocks with local correspondence, community meetings, and political outreach. Our goal is to help guide and assist throughout the process.